Reconciliation Processes

You can use this Feature Console feature to:

To enable the Reconciliation Process feature:

  1. Click the Feature Console tab.
  2. [Optional] Filter the list of features by application or status.
  3. Click Reconciliation Processes.
  4. For step 1, Click Launch. The Feature Console lists all action overrides that you can complete and displays the following information:
    • The name of the object
    • The action to override (View)
    • The user interface that is affected (Lightning Experience)
    • The current override value
    • The proposed override value
  5. Click Perform. When the step has been completed, the Status changes from "Not Done" to "Done".
  6. For step 2, click Perform. When the step has been completed, the Status changes from "Not Done" to "Done".
  7. For step 3, click Perform. When the step has been completed, the Status changes from "Not Done" to "Done".
  8. For step 4, click Perform. When the step has been completed, the Status changes from "Not Done" to "Done".
  9. When all steps are complete, use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature. The Messages panel displays a summary of the changes.

For more information on Bank Reconciliations, see About Bank Reconciliation.

For more information on Transaction Reconciliation, see Reconciling Transactions.